Saturday, April 02, 2005


A darkened club, everyone is rubbing shoulders, yet no one can hear each other, let alone being able to pluck up the courage to use your best line. You see somebody you like. Look down at your mobile device and see if she’s there. There on your mobile the avatar of each and every person around you. The one you have eyes for is there, her avatar is a seductive head-and-shoulders snap. Alongside the Adonis are 4 and a half bright red hearts. You select her image and find out she’s single, she’s a legal advisor and loves picnics in the moonlight. There in the corner is a flashing icon, a new message… It’s her. She has been checking you out too. You reply by inviting her to join you in the restaurant across the street in 5-minutes.

At a business function the next day, our same legal advisor enters the board room, around the table everyone has their PDA out in front of them. Her avatar appears once again, a more officious image this time. Her name, her title, and the name of the company she represents. Selecting her image, a brief resume downloads, along with contact details.

The technology: Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, GPRS and Web Services. An RFID tag is discreetly embedded within a sticker, credit card, key ring, necklace, bracelet or watch holding a unique identification key of the owner. In your mobile device you have clipped on an add-on RFID reader, or bought a PDA with one already included. Within your mobile browser, a plug-in that when activated reads all the recognised RFID tags within range, posting a request via GPRS to the IDZ web server requesting, returning a formatted page displaying the details of all the RFID tag owners.

IDZ is a concept for personal identification. As the purchaser of an IDZ tag, you choose what information you want to share within which situations. When the IDZ tag wearer enters a situation, such as a night club, they can connect to the IDZ server and alter their default setting, which could be simply to display a message such as a poem or even be set to ‘off’, to suit the new situation, for example ‘Man Hunt’, a personalised situation set-up by the owner. Depending on restrictions set up by the owner, a man who is compatible on say love interests, will have access to one IDZ situation, where a female may receive a message that says ‘I’m on the prowl – back off!’.

Other possible applications:

On entry to a hospital or at the scene of an accident where the patient could be unconscious, medical records can be accessed (with the correct authorisation).

Security / Proof of Payment
Access to secure areas, events, buildings. Examples: Schools, Cinemas, Concerts, Offices, Trains…

In place of carrying around a credit card, with the use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN), fingerprint scan or other authorisation mechanism, payment could be made from your preferred payment method based on the store requesting the payment.

Recall all the people you have met today, where and when. Parents or Law Enforcement where not considered an invasion of privacy may be warranted access.

If you are interested in following through with this venture please get in contact as I have sketches and more ideas I can share with you. Ideally I would like to retain some ownership of this idea - possibly crediting me on the packaging and a share of the profits.

All correspondence by email please:
© Copyright 2005 - CranialScratch/Matt Jones All rights are reserved - intellectual property rights and copyrights - by Matt Jones t/a CranialScratch. United Kingdom.