Sunday, March 13, 2005

alcopop lights

Simple idea. If you've seen these new lollipops with flashing lights inside, you'll quickly visualize this idea. An alcopop bottle that when open, lights up!

To quickly sum it up, the lights used in these lollipops are simply LED's (Light Emitting Diodes) and as they are so widely used, they are getting cheaper by the second. They also require very little voltage to power them. The circuitry for this concept is virtually non-existent, it is simple on/off between battery and light. I doubt you would need a circuit-board except for possibly making the light flash (if so desired).

To set this idea off to its best advantage I would recommend that the alcopop itself has a milky colouring. This should help to diffuse the light.

Light Fitting
The light itself would best fit at the base of the bottle. Ideally the base of the bottle would have a small dome that the light could be inserted in to, helping the light to extend further up into the bottle, increasing the throw of the light. However, the light could attach to an existing bottle shape - this will save the bottle manufacturers any retooling. The separate attachment may need to be incased in a darker plastic, leaving only the LED exposed so the full impact of the light can be thrown into the bottle.

OK. Now it's about switching the light on. I've had a variety of ideas for this one. One idea was to create a stopper that would also prevent liquids (like Rohypnol (Date-rape drug)) from being introduced into the bottle. However, the fact that the bottle will light up when the bottle is opened may be enough of a deterrent for these psychopaths. (Contact me if you want to know more about this particular idea)

The aim is to create a connection from opening the top to switch on the light. Think antique bottle closures like the Hutter Stopper (circa: 1893-1920)
. Some bottled beer brands still use this type of closure. By running two conductive (metallic) printed stripes from one end of the bottle to the other, by opening the bottle you complete the circuit (either by releasing the switch (removing a blocker) or closing the circuit)). I would expect that this circuit would run under the printed label. Of course, this would need further analysis to determine what shape bottle, type of label etc would work best (usually bottle labels are confined to the neck and body separately).

For promotion, I would anticipate that the bottles could be kept refridgerated in a glass fronted display fridge. The bottles could be lined up to sit in a specially designed rack that would short-circuit the need for opening the bottle in order for the light to be switched on. Therefore when on display all the bottles are lit up.

Brands, flavors and Colours:

In conceiving this idea I have come up with some ideas for brand names and flavors:

Possible Brand Names:

  • Diode
  • LED (Light Emitting Drinks)

Possible Flavors & Colours:

  • Porno: Cherry (Milky Pink - Red/White LED)
  • Russian: Cola (Clear Red - Red LED)
  • NYPD: Blueberry (Milky White - Red & Blue Alternating LED)
  • Bikini: Pineapple & Coconut (Milky Yellow - Red LED)

If you are interested in following through with this venture please get in contact as I have sketches and more ideas I can share with you. Ideally I would like to retain some ownership of this idea - possibly crediting me on the packaging and a share of the profits.

All correspondence by email please:
© Copyright 2005 - CranialScratch/Matt Jones All rights are reserved - intellectual property rights and copyrights - by Matt Jones t/a CranialScratch. United Kingdom.