Monday, August 09, 2004

Shake Hands with the New World

It won't be long before shaking hands creates an electronic link between two people. For the techno-geeks out there, this isn't new, when referring to electronics metaphorically shaking hands (usually with lots of bips, squeeks, hisses and boing-boings). However, this technology is about transferring data via the skin! Literally shaking hands. Person to person.

By using a small electrical current, information can be passed from an electronic device, such as a mobile phone, PDA or even a watch or pair of glasses, passed through the body. By touching another device or even somebody else with a similar device that information could be passed along.

While shaking someone's hand, an image could appear on your device, possibly your glasses, identifying the person you are greeting. A business card. Such identification would aid in our 'thinkless' society where technology remembers everyone for you, you won't need to. Looking around the table in a busy meeting, whilst links are still established, the person's name could appear in your view everytime you turn to them. Remembering a whole room full of people's names will become less of a skill and more of a technological given.

Paying bills might be a matter of touching a pad. Biometrically identified, and credit card data transfered.

Taking documents home might no longer require you to jack in a USB storage device. Of course, if we could add a flavour of 'Johnny Neumonic' to this scenario, we wouldn't even need the mobile device on hand. Store information directly to our brain.

Now of course, for all the devious hackers out there. You've done blue-jacking, what's next? Hand-jacking? Sounds a bit rude to me.

Check out for more on this subject as well as how our body's energy could be charging our mobile phones!